Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10/19/10 10/20/10

i forgot a day.
B cran grape 140
*coke* 200
L pork chop 205
D mcdonald mcafee 680, mcchicken 360
total calorie 1585

i completely messed up today. and ate soo much
in all i got about
2400 it was too much i don't remember what i ate.
freaken suck oh well a lot of it was protein so it makes me feel a little better

Monday, October 18, 2010

10/17/10 and 10/18/10

my first week is mainly a look see into my eating habits and get the best diet plan set up, probably not going to work on any physical training or cardio but we'll see
anyway for sunday which was yesterday. actually two days ago cause its 12am right now. i ate.
B. 2 sausage, 2 egg, 1 onigiri, cran-grape juice - 460
L. grahams 2, oronamin c drink - 219
D. shio ramen, ice cream - 737
Total 1416 calories
i really shouldn't have eaten that ice cream but i needed a guilty pleasure. looking at this i could really see i need to bump up my protein intake. but the problem was i looked into my fridge and there was absolutely no food and since i'm kind of tight on money right now my only option is this really bad bunch of foods. but its ok. i'm not trying to loose weight i'm trying to change my weight into muscle

as for monday i ate
B. sandwich, cran-grape juice - 540
*black tee* - 140
L. Subway ham sandwitch - 580
D. salmon sashimi, rice -285
yesterdays problem was mainly that breakfast sandwich. its just empty calories completely unhealthy. i got to completely cut that out of my diet. replace it with cereal or something. from now on i'll probably stick to subway sandwiches for lunch and or dinner seems the most healthiest and within budget for me.

lastly i think saturday will be my guilty pleasure day. a day to eat unhealthy just for the hell of it. just as long as i don't take it overboard i should be fine.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

first step

well this is my attempt to getting in shape before my senior graduation. i'm not overweight so that cuts out half the work but i'm still jiggly when i move. the point of this blog is just to jot down the foods i eat and what i did that day so basically a normal blog but with a food journal on the side. and maybe every once a week i'll post a pic just to see how i improved and if not just remind myself to push harder. i'm going for the ottermode look

 i'm kind of worried because this is my senior year so i'll be busy studying or partying making me forget to control myself, but i guess we'll see. anyway heres to my first pic. the beginning

ottermode doesn't look impossible but it'll take a while